'Mazda Mutts 2.0' is a continuation of our support and partnership with Social Enterprise, TradeMutt, and their not-for-profit organisation, This Is A Conversations Starter (TIACS), to help continue to drive more conversations about mental health around South East Queensland.
Two new Mazda SP 4X4 BT-50s, wrapped in the limited edition 'Mixed Signals Print', will be cruising the streets of South East Queensland, acting as moving billboards, continuing to spark conversations around mental health.
Mount Gravatt Mazda is immensely proud of our partnership, and we're pleased to extend our support. We want to help TradeMutt and TIACS to continue doing what they do best in the mental health space. We know that the extra exposure they receive will translate to lives saved.
- Julian Mason | Dealer Principal
Mount Gravatt Mazda | The Driving Force behind TradeMutt
Mount Gravatt Mazda together with TradeMutt believe if something can be imagined it can be created. This imagination and passion has developed into our community crusade and partnership.
At Mount Gravatt Mazda, we celebrate the joy that comes from driving. We believe in the importance of two simple words: Zoom-Zoom.
As a local family-owned business in Brisbane, we pride ourselves on delivering fantastic customer service, great value for our customers through competitive pricing and a Mazda ownership experience that gives you peace of mind for years to come. Our intent is to make your journey with us a positive one. But our philosophy doesn’t end with driving. We are dedicated to enriching our community and fostering a spirit of involvement.
Community and Conversations
Our partnership with Trademutt was formed back in 2021, with community and conversations being the essence of our alliance, dismissing the notion that talk was cheap.
Two new Mazda BT-50 4x4 XTRs were decked out in TradeMutt's foundation print, Ventura. Aptly named Mazda Mutts, the boys used their new wheels to cruise around South East Queensland, making an invisible issue impossible to ignore.
Our version of an 'Influencer Program'.
TradeMutt represents far more than filters on social media. They stand for the opposite…vulnerability, social responsibility and advocacy for mental health.
Headturner, engaging and spectacle are just some of the words that come to mind when you see this new rig out on the road but the most important words of all are 'conversation starter'. The heart and soul behind our community partnership at Mount Gravatt Mazda. It's an exciting road ahead with these two lads and we can't wait for their message on mental health to travel far and wide.
A uniform with impact...🗣
For our Mount Gravatt Mazda team, a uniform means comfort (especially in sunny Queensland) and a sense of belonging, togetherness, unity, equality and a mind-set to stand for one and other. Enter... TradeMutt!
Bespoke, bold and bloody important! When given the opportunity to collaborate with the TradeMutt legends for custom workwear, it's safe to say that we jumped at the chance! Are we happy with the end product? You bet! BUT most of all, our custom uniform has an impact where it matters... raising much-needed funds to support the efforts of the TIACS team within the mental health space. Furthermore, our new custom TradeMutt polos take it one step further... fostering the mental health conversation for our employees and customers.
If you are looking for bold business branding, a way to improve workplace culture and fund social impact the answer is finally here! Fit your team with a bespoke uniform from TradeMutt
Conversation Starting Workwear
TradeMutt is a social impact workwear brand, by tradies for tradies. They make funky eye-catching workwear designed to start conversations about mental health among the blue-collar community, helping make an invisible issue impossible to ignore.
Through the sales of TradeMutt products they've helped to provide
For tradies, truckies, blue-collar workers and their families through our charity initiative, This Is A Conversation Starter (TIACS).
TIACS provides a FREE text, chat and call-back service direct to qualified psychologists.
Need help? CALL OR TEXT TIACS: 0488 846 988