24 October 2023 · Tips N' Tricks

Spring Clean


Do you look in the rear-view mirror and see only a jumble of stuff? Do you constantly seem to have a bag destined for the op shop that sits in your car for months? If so, it’s time to get organised. Here are our top 10 tips for getting your car interior in tip-top shape.

1. Start with a clean-out

Step one is to get back to zero. Take everything out of the car and then sort through it – think of it like Marie Kondo for car clutter. It’s helpful to sort into piles: one for rubbish, things for the house, things for the shed, etc. Then clean your car, inside and out. Now we’re ready to get organised.

2. Have a boot basket

Put a collapsible laundry basket in the boot. It can be just the thing for sports kits, beach towels or a change of clothes. It can also fold away to nothing when you need all the boot space.

3. Explore more storage solutions

If you love the boot basket, you might want to progress to stackable boxes, collapsible containers or a dedicated car boot organiser to get everything else in order. (Anything’s got to be better than cramming everything in, jamming the door closed and hoping for the best).

4. Embrace the shelf life

Remember that shelf that you took out of your car boot and put in the back of the shed because it was really annoying? It might be time to track it down and put it back in the car – it can effectively double your boot space. The car didn’t come with a boot shelf? Maybe you could make one.

5. Use the centre console

Too often the centre console is a mix of loose items – lip balm, coins, pens – but utilising this space effectively can clear clutter and be extra handy. You want items that you use often – tissues, chargers, pens, hand sanitiser, mints – to be easily accessible. Try a plastic makeup organiser that has several different compartments as your storage solution.

6. Get into your glove box

Do you really need that receipt for a battery from 2013? All you need in your glove box is your car manual and a few essentials to which you want easy access. Think sunscreen, a tyre pressure gauge, and a torch – that kind of thing.

7. Bin it

Have somewhere to put your rubbish. It could be as simple as a plastic bag, or a reusable, wash bag, hanging on a rear seat. Or you could buy a dedicated in-car bin from an auto store. Some will even fit in a cup holder.

8. Look up

There might also be storage opportunities up above. This is an opportunity to get rid of clutter, like your sunglasses that are rolling around above the coin compartment. Some cars have holders for sunglasses. If yours doesn’t, you could always add a magnetic one.

9. Be ready for an emergency

Have a first-aid kit or a breakdown safety kit handy. The best place for this is in a pocket attached to the back of the passenger seat. These can be added to your seat, and are also on most seat covers. This way you know exactly where it is for quick access when you really need it.

10. Declutter daily

Make it a habit to declutter your car when you get home at the end of each day. Have a few small plastic bags folded neatly in your glove box so you can easily take the rubbish out and collect anything that you want to take inside.