26 December 2022 · MGM News

Healthy New Year's Resolutions



So many people hope it’s the TIME of year that will be the reason why they are going to change. They believe the motivation that naturally comes at the start of a new year will be enough for them to get in shape, lose weight and eat healthier. But, unfortunately, that is rarely true.

Did you know 73% of Australians make new year’s resolutions… but only 8% manage to keep them?

We're not saying your new year’s resolution for 2023 won’t come to reality. What we're suggesting is that success doesn’t come because of the date on a calendar, success comes when you have a plan, and you follow it!

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No matter what your specific healthy new year’s resolutions are, there are definitely a few tips you can implement to help make them last!

#1 Set your health & fitness goals in 28-day blocks

No more, no less. 28 days is long enough that you can see results, but not so long that you’ll lose focus. Just remember, goals need to be specific and measurable. 

#2 Create some simple rules around your healthy eating resolutions

These rules don’t have to be rigid, all-or-nothing deal-breakers that make it hard to stick to your guns. They could simply involve increasing your water intake, cutting down on caffeine, drinking less alcohol or resisting the office biscuit tin at 3 pm.

#3 Develop some easy rules to keep you on track with your fitness resolutions

The best advice is to commit to doing something active every day for 28 days. This doesn’t mean you need to train like an Olympian or sweat like a maniac Monday through to Sunday. Your daily movement could involve yoga, a bike ride, walking the dog, getting active with the family or swimming a couple of laps at the local pool.

#4 Always make time for your mind

A healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. In fact, a healthy mind helps you achieve a healthy body and vice versa! You don’t have to retreat to the mountains and chant for hours but you do have to set aside some time for mindfulness. This could involve journal writing, spending five minutes focusing on your breath to wind down before bed or dedicating some time to goal setting. If you get your mind in the right place, your body will follow.

#5 Make yourself accountable by sharing your goals with people you trust

When you’ve decided what your New Year’s resolutions are going to be, tell people about it. Explain what you are going to do, why it’s important to you, and how you’re going to do it.

Studies have shown that when we tell people what we are setting out to achieve, we are far more likely to achieve it.

As an extra tip, make sure you’ve told people who care about you enough to call you on your BS if they see you slipping, it will really help you stay on track.

#6. Remember a healthy lifestyle does not have a finish line

When you reach day 28, take a deep breath and reflect on your progress. See where you have succeeded and where there are improvements to be made. Then set yourself a new 28-day block and a new 28-day goal. Take this opportunity to challenge yourself and build on the progress you have made.

Even though you may have failed new year’s resolutions in the past, the important thing to remember is your past failures do not dictate your future results. Separate the old you from what you want to achieve. Don’t let baggage and bad memories of past experiences derail this one